• Luis Sobrevía

  • Sitio Personal:
  • E-mail: sobrevia@med.puc.cl
  • Ubicación Oficina: División Gineco-Obstetricia - Medicina UC

Líneas de Investigación:

  • Investigación y Proyectos

    IBTech AUT PhDFOR 2013 Institute of Biomedical Technology, Auckland University of Technology (PI in Chile) (7/2013- 7/2017). Cell bases of airways reactivity to a non-invasive device (w/ student tbd (PUC, AUT), A Al-Jumaily (PI in New Zealand), New Zealand)

    UQCCR POSTD2013 University of Queensland Center for Clinical Research (PI in Chile) (3/2013- 3/2015). Exosomes and placental dysfunction in diseases of pregnancy (w/C Salomón (PUC, UQCCR), G Rice, M Mitchel (PIs in Australia), Australia).

    UMCG RUG INT/2013 U Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen (PI in Chile) (5/2013- 5/2014). Placenta pathologies and vascular mechanisms (w/H von, M Faas, The Netherlands).

    IBTech AUT PhDFOR 2010 Institute of Biomedical Technology, Auckland University of Technology (PI in Chile) (4/2010- 4/2014). Airways and mathematical approaches in asthma (w/M Jo (PUC, AUT), A Al-Jumaily (PI in New Zealand), New Zealand).

    FONDECYT 1121145 (Co-investigator (CoI)) (2012-3/2016). Maternal obesity produces insulin resistance in fetal tissues involving endoplasmic reticulum stress (w/M Farías (Principal Investigator (PI), PUC)).

    FONDECYT 1110977 (PI) (2011-3/2015) Role of adenosine in insulin response of macro and microvascular human placental endothelium from gestational diabetes mellitus via insulin receptor subtypes A and B (w/P Casanello, C Belmar, PUC).

    CONICYT Anillos ACT73 (PI) (2010-12/2013). Characterization of the pathophysiological mechanisms, and detection of common therapeutic targets in placental dysfunction in pathologies of the human pregnancy (w/P Casanello (PUC), J Kae Nien (Clínica Dávila))

    CONICYT AT-24120944 (PI, Tutor) (2012-2013). Regulation of L-arginine transport by insulin via hCAT-1 involves differential activation of subtypes A and B insulin receptors and adenosine receptors in HUVEC (w/E Guzmán-Gutiérrez (PUC)).

    CONICYT AT-24120940 (PI, Tutor) (2012-2013). Regulation of adenosine transport by insulin in astrocytes of mouse fetuses with gestational diabetes (w/P Arroyo (PUC)).

Cursos en los que Participa: