CURSO: Human-centered Environmental Program Design


Human-centered Environmental Program Design
Instructors: C. Josh Donlan and Stefan Gelcich
Dates: 2 April – 5 April | 18:00 – 20:30
Maximum class size: 16 or 20 students

The one-week short course will introduce science graduates students to a number of concepts around program design that are either new or non-existent in the environmental sector. In particular, we will introduce the concept of human-centered design (HCD) and how it has been used in the private and social sectors to innovate new products and services. As a way to reframe and tackle tough environmental problems, HCD is already well established in the commercial world. It is increasingly being used to design solutions for social problems—striving to design services or programs through the lens of the customer or participant, with empathy as a primary tool. We will examine the process and case studies, and explore how HCD can be applied to environmental problem-solving. We will also introduce other frameworks and tools that have the potential to improve the design of environmental programs, including value proposition design, business models, outcome-based approaches, incentives, and conservation finance. Much of the short course will be based on active group work. Each evening, we will present the class with a group challenge, many of the challenges will be iterative—following the HCD process. The short course will culminate with participants designing real-world environmental programs in a Chilean context.


Para inscripciones y más información:
Prof. Stefan Gelcich

  • Tipo de Evento: Curso
  • Fecha Inicio: abril 2, 2019
  • Fecha Término: abril 5, 2019
  • Lugar: Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas UC - Mapa