International Graduate Course: Antarctic Flora & Climate Change: Advances and Perspectives from Ecophysiology
Punta Arenas, October 23-30, 2014
This is an international course for graduate students. The course will consist of lectures on the complexity of photosynthesizing organisms from Antarctic and subantarctic region with emphasis in the ecophysiological responses of plant and marine algae to the current scenarios of global warming. Based on reading of specialized scientific articles the students will develop a short research project on one of the topics covered during the course. Two field activities are planned to observe, collect samples and apply methods currently used in plant and algal ecophysiology. This will consider one day cruise along the Magellan Strait aboard the research vessel of INACH. These practical activities as well as the corresponding presentation of literature seminars will be evaluated at the end of the course. The venue for the course will be Edificio de Laboratorios Antárticos “Embajador Jorge Berguño Barnes” located in Lautaro Navarro 1245, Punta Arenas
Course Organizers: León A. Bravo (Universidad de La Frontera), Iván Gómez (Universidad Austral de Chile), Lohengrin Cavieres (Universidad de Concepción), Luis Corcuera (Universidad de Concepción), Marcelo Leppe (Instituto Antártico Chileno)
Invited Lecturers: Ryan Fogt, (Ohio University, USA), Peter Convey (British Antarctic Survey, UK), Danielle Way (University of Western Ontario, Canada), Pirjo Huovinen (Universidad Austral, Chile), Kai Bischof (University of Bremen- Germany), Cecilia Pérez (Universidad de Chile), Juan Carlos Aravena (Universidad de Magallanes, Chile), Mercedez Vivas (Universidad de La Frontera-Universidad de Concepción), Patricia Sáez (Universidad de Concepción, Chile), Angela Sierra (Universidad de Concepción, Chile, Andrés Mansilla (Universidad de Magallanes, Chile).
Deadline for application: September 12, 2014.